Englewood Eagle Drama

Today we are going to share some happy local news about a new addition to the bald eagle population. What was previously suspected to be a lone egg for local celebrity eagle couple M15 and F23 turned out to be two! The popular eagle cam reported the egg last week. Both eagles have been taking turns tending to the eggs. This will mark the 12th season for the Southwest Florida eagles. M15 had previously raised a pair of eaglets with his “ex-wife” (the article called her that, not us!) Harriet. She up and run oft, but M15’s handsome physique scored him another mate. This drama unfolded over social media for all the Southwest Florida eagle fans last year. Anyway, it’s a whole thing. There is a link to the article by channel 10 Tampa Bay and the YouTube channel for the eagle cam inside.

There is always something great going on around Southwest Florida, and the eagles are just one of them! We are in our model at 878 Boundary Boulevard in Rotonda (that’s the corner of Rotonda Blvd. East and Boundary Blvd.) from 9-3 Monday-Friday. If you would like to know more about land or homes in the local area, be sure to stop by and save a spot for your dream home today!